Sunday, January 20, 2013

Biscuit Dunes Root Vegetable Pot Pie/Dune

We cancelled the beets! I just couldn't find any other use for them. That gnocchi sat in my fridge and did not get eaten. I would maybe be able to deal with it if they came once a month, but weekly was just too much. We had a good run, but it's time to move on.

That being said, I made a pretty damned good one this week. I challenge even the most carnivorous carnivores to say no to a helping of this stuff. The original recipe is posted here, but I made some tweaks to make it a bit healthier and to fit my pantry. I chose the movie Dune because it's the last of David Lynch's films I had to see, and the pot pie has "dunes" of biscuits on top.

He who controls the biscuits controls the universe.

Plus Sting + David Lynch + Sci-Fi? I figured I couldn't go wrong.

Oh baby.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Big Apple" Cinnamon Muffins/Cosmopolis

I have a confession to make. I have been making muffins for weeks. I am not the world's best baker, so I've been messing around with some fruits/veggies/spices/flours/etc. to try and make a decent muffin. I think that this one is my best attempt yet!

I used a lot of apples, so you can cut down on those a bit, but personally I like to take a bite in the muffin get a mouthful of apple as well. Plus they were so moist, and the apple went really well along with the spices. A great breakfast choice. Plus, they make your house smell like, well, apple cinnampn muffins. Can't really beat that.

Why use these when you can bake and eat the real thing?

Recipe: "Big Apple" Cinnamon Muffins

Monday, January 7, 2013

Beet Gnocchi with an Italian Cream Sauce/The Queen of Versailles

This recipe is messy. It's also a little strange because not only have I never made gnocchi before - I've never even eaten it. I think I made them too big, but that's pretty much out of laziness. I also didn't put a definite amount of flour you need to use. Beets and potatoes are of all different sizes, so you pretty much have to get the right consistency. I think I did that. I don't really care; they taste good and I hid my beets in there so I consider it a win for Kim.

For this week's viewing enjoyment, I give you this.

Are you still hungry?

Recipe: Beet Gnocchi with an Italian Cream Sauce