Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Big Apple" Cinnamon Muffins/Cosmopolis

I have a confession to make. I have been making muffins for weeks. I am not the world's best baker, so I've been messing around with some fruits/veggies/spices/flours/etc. to try and make a decent muffin. I think that this one is my best attempt yet!

I used a lot of apples, so you can cut down on those a bit, but personally I like to take a bite in the muffin get a mouthful of apple as well. Plus they were so moist, and the apple went really well along with the spices. A great breakfast choice. Plus, they make your house smell like, well, apple cinnampn muffins. Can't really beat that.

Why use these when you can bake and eat the real thing?

Recipe: "Big Apple" Cinnamon Muffins


5 small apples (I used red delicious)
1 very ripe banana
2 tbsp yogurt
1/2 cup applesauce
1/4 cup egg whites
1 tsp vanilla
1/8 cup milk
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup oats
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp ground cloves

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Wash, core, and slice the apples into chunks. Set aside. Mash the banana into the bottom of the large bowl. Stir in the yogurt, applesauce, egg whites, vanilla, and milk. In a separate bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients and spices. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet. Mix until incorporated. Fold in the apples, but to not over-mix and break them down.

Grease at 12 muffin tin with cooking spray. Divide the batter equally throughout the tin (tip: I use an ice cream scooper). Bake the muffins for 5 minutes. Turn the oven down to 350 and bake for another 15, or until golden brown. Allow to cool before removing from tin.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Wash, core, and chop the apples into chunks.

Mash the bottom in the bottom of the bowl and add the wet ingredients.

Combine the dry ingredients and spices in a separate bowl.

Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet.

Fold in the apples.

Divide the batter evenly in a greased 12 muffin tin.

Bake at 400 degrees for 5 minutes, and then at 350 for another 15, or until golden brown like this.
Look at all of that apple-y goodness! Yum.

Review: David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis

I am not too impressed with most of Cronenberg's more recent work. Eastern Promises and A History of Violence were ok, but I think his work really shines when he writes the script, which he hasn't done since eXistenZ. His return to the world of science fiction, or with I like to think of as the true Cronenberg, happens with Cosmopolis

The film is centered around character Eric Packer, a New York (hence my muffins) billionaire asset manager who wants to get a haircut. He insists on driving through town through funerals, anarchist attacks, and traffic from the visiting U.S. president. He learns throughout the day that his wealth is being destroyed through being on the wrong side of currency speculation, and he begins to self-destruct as a result.  

The film is one you can call polarizing. There are some reviews I read that are almost offended by it. I can't understand why. I thought it was brilliant. My first thought after watching it is trying to figure out how I can find time to watch it again before I have to bring it back to the movie store on Tuesday. Each conversation and each scene are enough for a good discussion. This, thrown in with the weird Cronenberg-esque scenes of rats and sex and a bit of shocking gore, kept me glued to the screen for the entirety of the 110 minutes. It's one that will be added to my collection very soon.

If you see it any time soon, and we are friends, then let me know. I want to talk about it with somebody.

I remember watching the teaser and getting SO excited. Check it out below. 

Oh yeah, and Robert Pattinson is in it. He was strangely perfect for his role.


  1. hahah you said "mash the bottom in the bowl!" whose bottom! i wish i had an oven so i could cook all of this!!

    1. hahaha i'm leavin' it. it's up to interpretation. you should make them in your crock! you should also do a guest crock post. lemme know if you wanna.
